A smart way to better understand your Global 7500 aircraft

Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft operators who are interested in finding out simple ways to maximize their aircraft’s Smart Link Plus system can benefit from a new, helpful seminar.  

Bombardier will hold a session with our Global 7500 customers via TEAMS on Mar. 22, 2022 at 9:00 AM EST. 

Last December, Bombardier announced it was developing predictive analytics to enhance its Smart Link Plus service and its aircraft support operations. An important step in this journey is to understand what matters most to our customers. Bombardier is inviting its Global 7500 customers to a unique workshop tailored around customer feedback and continuous improvement on the Global 7500 platform.  

For more information on attending the event, please contact Bombardier Customer Support Representative, Stela Ziakas, at stela.ziakas@aero.bombardier.com.    

We strongly encourage attending the meeting – it's an excellent opportunity to provide your feedback and ideas to Bombardier. We welcome your participation in the common goal of optimizing your aircraft experience and your relationship with us.  


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