Landing gear selector switch quick disconnect 

Effectivity: Learjet 70/75 aircraft 

ATA: ​31 - Indicating /Recording System​ 

By TJ Will  – Technical Services  

The S47 landing gear selector switch on Learjet 70/75 aircraft, P/N 7632608500-007/-009, is located in the co-pilot lower switch panel. Replacing this switch requires removal of the P4 switch panel and rework of the wire harness to replace wire splices at the switch location (reference AMM 32-30-02).     

Recommended service bulletins SB70-31-16 and SB75-31-16, released on Jan. 22, 2024, provide instructions for modifying the landing gear control switch wiring for the installation of electrical quick disconnect plugs. This will eliminate the requirement to remove the panel and disrupt the harness for future switch replacements.   

Previous service bulletins SB45-31-6 and SB40-31-04 for Learjet 40 and Learjet 45 models utilized the same concept, where the switch is in the centre switch panel.   

For additional information or questions, please contact your regional Field Service Representative.    


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