Main Landing Gear Assembly improved resistance to water ingress
Effectivity: Global Series aircraft
ATA 32
By: Victor Silva – Technical Services
Bombardier would like to take this opportunity to remind all Global operators of the importance of complying with recommended Service Bulletins (SB) 700-32-042/700-1A11-32-029/700-32-5019/700-32-6019/700-32- 5505/700-32-6505, Modification - MLG - Main Landing Gear Assembly Improved Resistance to Water Ingress.
This being a previous top Advisory Council issue, water ingress into the MLG trailing arms/axles can affect the reliability of the wheel speed transducers. Performing this SB modification is very beneficial to operators and will help prevent:
MLG Trailing Arm/axle corrosion
Outboard Main wheel bearing corrosion and damage
We also highly recommend you familiarize yourself with AW700-32-0581 which was published to better inform operators of this condition, findings and mitigating actions.
Bombardier suggests that this be accomplished at your earliest convenience or during the 30-month brake assembly - Functional Test of the Brake Disk for Drive Slot Enlargement.