New Integrated Air System Controller

Effectivity: Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 aircraft 

ATA 21 

By: Yannick Fournier - Technical Services, Widebody Aircraft

This article is to provide useful information on the introduction of the new Integrated Air System Controller (IASC) on the Challenger 350 aircraft. With the launch of the new Challenger 3500 aircraft, some enhancements are being incorporated on Challenger 350 aircraft in production.  

One of the improvements is the new IASC (PN: 92175A030600) installed in production starting at aircraft 20887. The new IASC includes multiple improvements such as: 

  • Reduced cabin altitude  

  • New Air Conditioning System (ACS) flow schedule 

  • Reduced bleed extraction above 40,000 feet to improve specific fuel consumption (SFC)  

  • Improved cabin heating performance during descent and cruise during cold days 

  • Air Data Computer (ADC) initialization software correction (ref AW300-21-0321) 

Bombardier is working to add this new IASC PN for the Challenger 300 aircraft in addition to the Challenger 350 business jet. However, due to modifications required, earlier aircraft (pre-20887) would not benefit from the above improvements, with the exception of the ADC initialization correction. If one or two new IASC are installed on these earlier aircraft, the IASC will perform like the previous version since the strapping to activate new capabilities will not be present.  



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