Satcom data unit (SDU-2200) software upgrade: new field loading kit available
Effectivity: Challenger and Global series aircraft
ATA: 23
By: Sebastien Desmitt-Technical Services
In October 2023, Bombardier announced the availability of new software for the Collins Aerospace satcom data unit (SDU-2200) P/N: 822-3009-001.
As per the advisory wires (AW) 300-23-0419, 600-23-2642 and 700-23-0896, there are two ways to comply with the Collins Service Bulletin SDU-2200-2-23-4 (Modstrike 4):
Through an authorized Collins Aerospace Service Center
By using an ARINC 781-200 field kit data load harness.
SDU-2200 (A781-200) Satellite Data Unit
Two (2) additional field loading kits (FLKs) were deployed together with the existing four (4) kits, that are already available at our Bombardier service Centres:
1. Wichita Service Centre
2. Hartford Service Centre
3. London Biggin Hill Service Centre
4. Singapore Service Centre
5. Miami-Opa Locka Service Centre (New)
6. Berlin Service Centre (New)
ARINC 781-200 Field Kit Data Load Harness
A total of six (6) FLKs P/N: 90409078, together with one (1) CD-ROM (Field Load Software) P/N: 831-9973-001, have been deployed to our BAS centre network.
FLKs cannot be loaned outside the BAS centre network, however, operators may send the SDU-2200-2 for software upgrade to an authorized Collins Aerospace Service Center.
To schedule your aircraft for a software update in the field, please contact your Regional Sales Manager or send an email to