Securing axle jack and Enerpac after use  

Effectivity: Global Express, XRS, Global 5000, Global Vision, Global 6000, Global 5500 and Global 6500 aircraft 

ATA: 07 

By: Luc Piché - Technical Services

Bombardier is reviewing several in-service reports that the axle jack and/or Enerpac on select Global aircraft were not properly secured on their supporting tray in the aft equipment bay.

Bombardier would like to remind owners/operators/maintenance crews of the importance of properly securing the axle jack and/or Enerpac back on the support tray in the aft equipment bay after use, and to safely syecure the clamps with lockwire, per SPM 20-50-00-400-801. Failure to do so could cause the axle jack and/or Enerpac to become loose and possibly cause damage to the aircraft structure and/or surrounding systems.


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Dado Mounted Table equivalent part numbers for CMM 25-27-01