Upcoming Information Sessions & Technical Reviews for Global and Challenger 300 aircraft operators

Bombardier will hold its Global aircraft Information Session & Technical Review via ZOOM on April 28, 2021, at 9:00 AM EST. In addition, Bombardier will be holding its Challenger 300 series Information Session & Technical Review via ZOOM on May 12, 2021 at 9:00 AM EST.

Bombardier invites customers to these unique events specifically tailored to the Global aircraft platform and Challenger 300 aircraft respectively. The agendas include an opportunity for you to “virtually” meet our Customer Support Leadership team, learn more details about the programs and review technical items that concern the platforms.

For more information on attending the events or to raise an issue for discussion, please visit the Portal https://my.businessaircraft.bombardier.com/wps/myportal/bba/home/events/advisory-committees

You can also contact Bombardier Customer Support Representative, Stela Ziakas, at stela.ziakas@aero.bombardier.com

We strongly encourage Global-series and Challenger 300-series aircraft operators to attend as you are the voice of the fleet. This meeting represents an excellent opportunity to provide your feedback to Bombardier. We welcome your input and share in the common goal of optimizing your aircraft experience and your relationship with us. Looking forward to “seeing” you there!


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