Advanced Avionics Upgrade (AAU V5.8) now available 

Effectivity: Global 5000 GVFD, Global 5500, Global 6000, and Global 6500 aircraft 

ATA: 46-31 

By: Stephan Bidnyk – Avionics, Technical Services, Global Series 

Back in 2019, Bombardier released an updated Integrated Modular Avionic (IMA) software V5.5.1 to introduce product improvements for the Global Vision platform. 

Later in 2023, Bombardier introduced the Advanced Avionics Upgrade (AAU) for the Bombardier Vision flight deck. This upgrade offers new avionics software and hardware featuring the latest technology to enhance situational awareness and provide advanced visualization features via optional service bulletins (SBs). 

So far, approximately 30 per cent of the Global aircraft fleet has not taken advantage of the free upgrade to V5.5.1, provided via the recommended SB 700-46-5007/6007 (which ended in January 2024). 

We are happy to notify customers that Revision 1 of the AAU (V5.8 Baseline) SB 700-34-5030/6030/5511/6511 has been officially released on the Bombardier Customer Portal. This new revision removes the prerequisite of incorporating the V5.5.1 SB on Global 5000/6000 aircraft. The new prerequisite will now be SB 700−34−5021/6021 (Avionic Software V5.1.5) or SB 700−31−5004/6004 (Avionic Software V5.2). Hence, customers can now upgrade directly from V5.1.5 / V5.2 to V5.8 without the need to perform the V5.5.1 SB, while still benefitting from the V5.5.1 improvements. 

By going directly to V5.8, customers will save maintenance downtime and labour costs involved in performing the V5.5.1 SB. 

Advance scheduling with our in−service implementation team (ISIT) is recommended before planning a maintenance visit, to ensure on-time parts availability for incorporating AAU (V5.8) SB.  

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Should you require additional information, please contact your regional sales manager (RSM) or field service representative (FSR) using this link. 

For additional information on the AAU, please see the following: 


Global Service Bulletin releases 


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