Availability of an improved Thrust Reverser Stow Switch
Effectivity: Global Express, Global 5000 and Global 6000 aircraft
ATA 78
The purpose of this article is to remind operators of the availability of an improved Thrust Reverser Stow Switch. Bombardier has noticed there are issues in the fleet where the stow switch has provided incorrect indications of the Thrust Reverser Unit door position. As a solution, Rolls-Royce released Service Bulletin (SB) SB−BR700−78−101983 THRUST REVERSER DOOR STOW SWITCH - INTRODUCTION OF A NEW DOOR STOW SWITCH WITH AN IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY, which introduced an improved TRU Stow Switch (Part Number T7013-3). There are four (4) stow switches per thrust reverser unit.
Fleet data has shown a reliability improvement with the new switch and therefore Rolls-Royce has recently changed the SB from optional to recommended. For more information concerning the commercial policy and special pricing of this SB, please refer to RR News Flash NF 2021-06 or contact your Rolls-Royce Regional Customer Manager.