Improved flap protection strips on the trailing edge
Effectivity: Global series aircraft MSN 9001-9698
ATA: 57
By: Daniel Nash – Technical Services
Bombardier introduced improved flap protection strips (AIPC 57-20-06) on aircraft 9699 and subsequent. A one-piece Teflon coated strip (P/N KGC991-5701-XX) replaced the two-piece pad assembly (P/N GM167-1200-XX).
Installation of the new design is permitted on all Global 5000/6000 family aircraft via AMM TASK 57−20−03−960−801 Replacement of Flap Protection Pads. The task provides installation instructions, as well as guidelines to select the appropriate thickness of Teflon strip.
The new design improves reliability by eliminating any chance of disbonding that is known to occur with the two-piece pad assembly (P/N GM167-1200-X).
One-piece strip (MSN 9699 and subs.):
Two-piece pad showing disbonding: