Microwave SB and maintenance

Effectivity: Global 5500/Global 6500 aircraft

ATA 25

Bombardier would like to inform maintenance directors, technicians and service centres of the availability of the recommended Service Bulletins regarding modification of the microwave compartment in the galley and the importance of following periodic appliance inspections as per CMM.

Bombardier reviewed the microwave compartment to improve the air intake of the microwave unit. Operating temperature is a major factor for the proper operation of the microwave unit and its overall reliability.

The incorporation of the Service Bulletin modifies the microwave compartment by adding an opening and a cooling duct in the upper galley in accordance with the aircraft configuration. This modification will allow additional air feeding in from the lower galley area to the microwave rear intake fans.

Three Service Bulletins are available:

  • Global Express XRS 700-25-062

  • Global 5000 700-25-5024

  • Global 6000 700-25-6031

An operator experienced sparks during a flight coming from the microwave. During the investigation, it was discovered that the door gasket (EMI conductive gasket) was torn. This condition can potentially create sparks. It is important to follow the maintenance of the CMM. It is recommended to inspect the door gasket, item 5 in snapshot, below, (EMI conductive gasket) for damage on a monthly basis.

Should you have further questions regarding this information, please contact your local Bombardier Field Service Representative (FSR) or the Customer Response Center (CRC) 24/7 at 1-866-538-1247.


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