EASA Operational Landing Distance-OLD
Effectivity: Challenger, Global and Learjet Series
ATA 00-06
This article is to inform operators about the requirement for the in-flight check of the landing distance at time of arrival (LDTA), which was to be in effect on November 5, 2020 (CAT.OP.MPA.303, EASA requirement as per the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019_1387).
Due to COVID-19, the implementation of this requirement has been delayed until August 12, 2021, IR (EU) 2020_1176 (Link) and now is in effect. Bombardier had released Operational Landing Distance (OLD) information in advance per the following Flight Manual release cycle plan:
Learjet 75 series aircraft – July 2021
Challenger 600/Challenger 601 aircraft – on June 16, 2021 (See AW600-00-2619)
Challenger 604/Challenger 605/Challenger 650 aircraft on September 11, 2020 (See AW600-00-2619)
Challenger 300/Challenger 350 aircraft on December 22, 2020 (See AW300-00-0385)
Global Express and Global Vision Flight Deck aircraft on November 11, 2020
Global 7500 arcraft on October 21, 2020
The updates to the Bombardier Flight Manuals will refer to LDTA as OLD.
The motivation behind OLD is to prevent runway overruns by providing the pilot a means to determine the landing distance required to make a safe full stop landing based on the actual runway condition, environmental and operational factors at time of arrival. OLD considers factors that cannot be accurately predicted during preflight planning such as runway contaminants, winds, speed additives, and temperature deviations from ISA. In addition, the pilot will also be allowed to take credit for planned deceleration devices such as reverse thrust and autobrakes (if applicable). Therefore, OLD represents landing performance that is realistically achievable.
The requirements for dispatch remain unchanged. In some cases, such as on wet or contaminated runways, the OLD may exceed the landing distance considered at time of dispatch. For this reason, when conditions at time of arrival are forecasted to be marginal, it is considered good practice to carry out a preliminary OLD calculation.
The following table describes the main differences between the “minimum” certified landing distance provided by the AFM and the more “realistic” distance achieved using OLD modelling:
FAA and TCCA Regulatory Authorities:
Unlike EASA, the FAA and TCCA have not defined a mandatory introduction date for LDTA. Given the worldwide harmonization activities led by ICAO regarding runway surface condition and reporting, the expectation is that the FAA and TCCA will eventually make similar regulatory changes in the future.
Nonetheless, operators are encouraged to use OLD data regardless of their geographical location given that it will provide landing performance that is realistically achievable for the actual landing conditions.
In the U.S. and in Canada, airports will provide runway condition information at time of arrival compatible with the OLD data (See FAA Advisory Circular AC No: 25-32 - Landing Performance Data for Time-of-Arrival Landing Performance Assessments)
OLD Pilot training is available as Computer Based Training (CBT) learning. It will have a generic module and aircraft specific modules based on the FCOM and QRH OLD content as applicable.
The Generic module, Runway Overrun and Global Reporting Format (GRF), provides the new ICAO methodology for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions in effect for Transport Canada and EASA countries.
Contact the authorized Bombardier training provider at: https://bombardieratp.cae.com/request−information