Modification: oxygen supply system flexible hose replacement
Effectivity: Global Express/XRS/5000/5000 GVFD/6000/6500 aircraft
ATA 35
Bombardier would like to clarify some of the facts regarding the effectivity of the following Service Bulletins to maintenance directors, technicians and Service Centres: 700-35-015/700-1A11-35-014/700-35-5005/700-35-6005 / 700-35-6501. Aircraft completions that were carried out at Preferred Completion Centres (PCC) have also been included in the Service Bulletins (SB). The SBs are applicable to each aircraft listed in the SB effectivity. The STCs that are recalled in the approval statement are to identify the means to approve the engineering associated with the fix.
If the aircraft was completed using different STCs, due to the commonalty of the aircraft and their interiors, it is likely that they were completed using hoses from the same supplier O2 corporation.The inspection recommended by each SB and required by the AD (CF-2021-17) will determine if the O2 corporation hoses were installed, regardless if the airplane was completed by another Bombardier preferred completion centre with a different interiors STC. If the O2 corporation hoses (O2C20T1 SERIES) were installed, then the actions recommended by the SB and required by the AD need to be performed using the instructions and engineering listed in the SBs. Compliance time defined in the AD states that the SB must be accomplished within six (6) months from the effective date of AD (CF-2021-17), which is May 12, 2021.
Should you require more information on the above listed service bulletins, please contact your Bombardier Field Service Representative (FSR) or the Customer Response Centre (CRC) team 24/7 at 1-866-538-1247.