Pre-threshold terrain analysis – new location of EASA regulation for low visibility operations
Effectivity: Challenger and Global aircraft
ATA: 02-00
By: Maxime Boyer-Beaucage – Technical Services
Bombardier has published CAT II and EFVS runway suitability assessments, including the assessment of the “pre−threshold terrain” (ground profile under the approach path).
These assessments are required by Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 − SPA.LVO.110, Aerodrome−related requirements, including instrument flight procedures and EASA ED Decision 2022/012/R - All−weather operations - AMC & GM to air operations rules - AMC1 SPA.LVO.110, Suitable Aerodromes − Assessment – Airplanes. Bombardier published the upper and lower limits set for the Challenger and Global series aircraft that may be used with the desktop assessment option.
This information was initially provided via the Flight Operation Notifications (FON) manual under the General Notification of section 01-03 Avionics - Flight Instrument / Threat Awareness Systems - GEN-007-NC for Challenger aircraft and GEN-025-NC for Global aircraft. The data was then transferred to its final location on the myBombardier portal. The FON were then closed and removed from the manuals during the Nov. 25, 2024 revision.
Details required for the desktop assessment can be accessed on through the Operation tile, under the Services & Support tab: