Preventing door latch failures on select Challenger aircraft
Effectivity: Challenger 300, 350 and 3500 aircraft
ATA: 51-23
By: Danny Faucher - Technical Services
Bombardier Technical Services recommends the following good maintenance practices to all Challenger owners and operators.
In-service experience has shown that the battery bay door, aft equipment bay door and the outflow valve service door could stick to the formed seal after flight, thus making the doors difficult to open. In response, RIL BD-0087 was released in April 2019. It can be found on Customer, Library, under Engineering Documents/Reference Instruction Letters.
The recommendations include cleaning the contact area between the doors and the structure, letting it dry, and applying a release agent as soon as the doors seem to be sticking. This procedure can be performed as often as needed. Additionally, there are two videos available for your reference in the Customer Portal library in the Operational Maintenance Material section. The videos were published in November 2019 in ATA 52 and provide the correct procedure to open these doors.
Should you have any questions about the door latch operation, please contact your Bombardier Field Service Representative (FSR) or the Customer Response Centre (CRC) team 24/7 at 1-866-538-1247.