Reminder: Collins Aerospace GNSS PN 822-2189-100 outage week of May 5, 2024
Effectivity: Global and Challenger aircraft
ATA: 34-55
By: Stephane Beauchamp - Technical Services
Bombardier would like to remind operators of Challenger and Global aircraft to please ensure that they have completed the replacement of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) GPS-4000S part number (PN) 822-2189-100 to -101.
As previously broadcasted in May 2023 via advisory wires (AW) 700-34-0710, 600-34-2581 and AW300-34-0340 revision 9, this will avoid the recurrence of their GPS remaining in acquisition mode for a week and possibly encountering a software lock-up.
This upgrade can be accomplished via Bombardier’s recommended service bulletins (SBs) by the installation of the latter PN 822-2189-101. Please note that all other GPS-4000S part numbers are not affected:
SB 700-34-7516, 700-34-5028/-6028/-5509 and -6509
SB 604-34-069, 605-34-036 and 650-34-019
SB 100-34-47 and 350-34-025
If the unit software has not been updated prior to May 5, 2024, Collins Aerospace advises that the GNSS unit must be powered off for the ENTIRE WEEK from May 5, 2024 00:00:00 UTC to May 12, 2024, 00:00:00 UTC. It is critical to note that the TIME specified is midnight UTC, NOT local time.
This will prevent the GNSS from locking up, requiring the non-volatile memory (NVM) to be cleared.