Replacing Challenger flap fairing brackets

Effectivity: Challenger 600-1A11/-2A12/-2B16 aircraft 

ATA: 57 

By: Robert B. Reid - Technical Services 

Bombardier has received some recent Service Requests for Product Support Action (SRPSA) concerning the replacement of broken Challenger aircraft flap fairing attachment brackets. This article reminds operators and maintenance crews that General Repair Engineering Order (GREO) 600-57-40-080 is available on the Bombardier Customer Portal. 

This GREO outlines the procedure to install replacement brackets 600-10116, 600-10117, 600-10118, 600-10119 and 600-10120 using PLT214 Jo-Bolts in lieu of solid rivets and Hi-Lok/Hi-Lite fasteners. 

The above-noted GREO is available on the Bombardier Customer Portal, under the heading “Library/Engineering Documents/Generic Repairs.” 


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