Wheel bin support structure – Corrosion protection improvement
Effectivity: Global Express, Global XRS, Global 5000, Global Vision, Global 6000, Global 5500 and Global 6500 aircraft
ATA: 53
By: Luc Piché - Technical Services
To reduce corrosion damage on the wheel bin support structure, Bombardier would like to inform owners and operators that kit drawings KGC991-1695 and KGC991-1696 have been released and are available on the Customer Portal.
Kit drawing KGC991-1695 improves the corrosion protection of the wheel bin support structure by installing stainless steel sleeves in the holes of the attaching fastener receptacles in the metallic support structure. The sleeves protect the holes from scratches when guiding the first few pins into the receptacles during wheel bin assembly.
Please note that operators must order the sleeves in advance to ensure availability.
An easier and more economical solution is also available with kit drawing KGC991-1696, which improves the corrosion protection of the wheel bin support structure by applying anti-abrasion tape to the metallic structure. The tape protects the surface of the metallic support structure from scratches when installing the wheel bin assembly.
For maximum protection, both options can be incorporated at the same time.