Wing leading edge – installation of longer screw and nut plate to prevent slat damage

Effectivity: Global 7500 aircraft  

ATA 57 

By: Geneviève A. Roy – Technical Services 

Bombardier would like to inform operators of the release of the recommended Service Bulletin (SB) 700-57-7515 and the optional SB 700-57-7516.  

These SBs provide instructions to modify the nut plate installation at 16 locations for the wing leading edge access panels installation. This modification is to prevent potential shanking conditions from installation of the screws B0201094V4-10.  

The aircraft listed in the SB 700-57-7515 (recommended) have screws B0201094V4-10 installed per Aircraft Maintenance Publication (AMP) and Illustrated Parts Data Publication (IPDP) with potential shanking condition at 16 locations. The protruding screw heads at 12 of the 16 locations could contact and damage the trailing edge of slat No.1 and slat No. 2 wedges. The SB modification is recommended to eliminate the potential damage from the existing installation. 

The aircraft listed in the SB 700-57-7516 (optional) were fitted with shorter screws B0201094V4-8 at the 16 locations during production to eliminate the potential shanking condition. Although there is no risk of damage with the existing installation, the SB provides instructions to bring the aircraft to the configuration depicted in the AMP/IPDP. This will prevent unintentional hardware mismatches during maintenance requiring removal and installation of the wing leading edge access panels. We suggest that this optional SB be carried out in conjunction with other maintenance activities requiring removal of the wing leading edge access panels. 


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