Wing leading edge – Interslat dog bone seal
Effectivity: Global 7500 aircraft
ATA: 57
By: Geneviève A. Roy - Technical Services
This article provides operators with information pertaining to the Interslat dog bone seal design and installation. We have also included details on the different configurations and effectivity by aircraft serial number.
Bombardier has received reports of Interslat seals lost or damaged in flight. Following these reports, the design and installation was revised to improve the seal retention with a production cut-in at aircraft S/N 70116. The new design was also implemented on aircraft S/Ns 70050, 70090-70096 and 70100-70115 prior to delivery via Service Bulletin 700-57-7517 approved for production only. Operators of these aircraft can find compliance records with SB 700-57-7517 or equivalent ModSum TA700T7094823 in the aircraft technical logbook.
Some operators of aircraft equipped with the new design have noted deformation of the seal between slat No. 1 and slat No. 2. Based on these results, the design will be revised to include additional modifications between slat No. 1 and slat No. 2 to resolve the seal movement constraint causing the deformation.
Bombardier will communicate to operators as soon as the final modification SB is available for all in-service aircraft.
This is also a reminder that operators can refer to the AFM 08-10-57 - Configuration Deviation List for dispatch relief with missing Interslat seals.
Please find below supporting information for each aircraft serial number.
Aircraft SN 70006-70049, 70051-70089, 70097-70098
Grey color fabric seal
Refer to IPD BD700-A-J57-41-09-01AAA-941A-A (pre modification) for replacement parts
Until the new seal installation is available: Operators who have experienced loss, detachment or related seal damage may comply with the In-Service Modsum (ISMS) 700-57-7003 at the most convenient time. ISMS can be found on the Customer Portal.
Aircraft SN 70116-70196
Black color seal
Refer to IPD BD700-A-J57-41-09-01ABA-941A-A for replacement parts
Interslat 1-2 seal found deformed does not require replacement if undamaged. A new seal will be installed as part of the upcoming Interslat seal improvement SB
Important note: In-Service Modsum (ISMS) 700-57-7003 modification DOES NOT apply to these aircraft.
Aircraft SN 70090-70096, 70099-70115
Black color seal
Refer to IPD BD700-A-J57-41-09-01ACA-941A-A (post SB700-57-7517) for replacement parts
Compliance with SB 700-57-7517 or equivalent MS TA700T7094823 can be found in the aircraft technical logbook
Interslat 1-2 seal found deformed does not require replacement if undamaged. A new seal will be installed as part of the upcoming Interslat seal improvement SB.
Important note: In-Service Modsum (ISMS) 700-57-7003 modification DOES NOT apply to these aircraft.
The SB 700-57-7517 will be available on the Customer Portal by the end of November for reference.
Note: The above does not take into consideration any modification done to the slat seal installation via SRPSA.