Correction – Introduction of the new engine Cowl Anti-Ice Valve

Effectivity: Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 aircraft

ATA 30

Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 aircraft operators should be aware that a new Cowl Anti-Ice Valve (CAIV) Part No. WBG3020G103-003 is currently available and replaces the CAIV P/N WBA3020G103-003 or -005 manufactured by Dukes/AFP. 

The new engine CAIV, P/N WBG3020G103-003, manufactured by Aerospace Systems and Components (ASC), is a simpler design which incorporates features intended to reduce the failure modes identified with the Dukes/AFP CAIV design and therefore improve the overall aircraft reliability. 

The new ASC CAIV will be installed in production starting on the Challenger 350 aircraft, Serial No. 20879 and subsequent.

A Service Bulletin will not be required to introduce the new CAIV as it is a drop-in unit requiring no change to the electrical and mechanical interfaces.

However, to avoid nuisance L/R ENG ANTI-ICE FAIL CAS messages, the new CAIV can only be used in conjunction with the dual pressure switch Part No. WBA3020G107-007-007.

All Challenger 350 aircraft are equipped with the -007 dual pressure switch on both left and right engines from production.

As for the Challenger 300 aircraft, the original -005 dual pressure switch will need to be replaced with the -007 dual pressure switch when introducing the new CAIV unless it was already replaced with the -007 in the past. We suggest operators verify which part number is installed on the engine before ordering.

The new and old CAIVs can be installed in a hybrid configuration. For example, the left engine can be equipped with the Dukes/AFP CAIV where the right engine can be equipped with the new ASC CAIV and vice-versa.

The Illustrated Parts Catalogs for Challenger 300/350 aircraft have been revised to include the new CAIV as shown below and for a limited time, special pricing is available. For pricing, contact Bombardier Spares or Honeywell.

It is important to know that:

  •  For aircraft in warranty, operators will receive a replacement valve of the same part number than the valve removed.

    If an aircraft is equipped with a Dukes/AFP valve that has failed, it will be replaced with a Dukes/AFP valve until stock is depleted.

    On the other hand, if an aircraft is equipped with the new ASC valve that has failed, it will be replaced with another ASC valve.

  • For aircraft out of warranty, operators will have the option to install the old AFP valve (until stock depletion) or the new ASC valve.


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