Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator logbook
Effectivity: Learjet aircraft
ATA 40/45/70/75
By: Debbie Ternes – Supplier Repairs
The Bombardier services team has been experiencing delays with repairs of the Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator (HSTA) PN 6627401000-009 due to an increasing number of core units being returned from customers with incorrect or missing logbooks. This is negatively impacting the repair turnaround time and overall off-the-shelf availability for these parts.
The vendor will not accept white-out on the logbook if an entry error is made. If an error is made when completing the logbook, the customer will need to cross out the information area with a single line through the error, initial and date this deletion. They can then complete the required information listed above on the next available install and removal line.
If the actuator is not installed on the aircraft, a statement from the customer on company letterhead stating the actuator was not installed and is being returned with zero flight hours is required. This statement must be signed, dated and include an authorized person’s title.
If the actuator was installed on the aircraft but has no flight hours on the actuator, the logbook install and removal entries above are still required.
If the logbook is not returned with the actuator, it will go into grief status in our warehouse and will not be processed until the customer supplies the logbook. This will delay the processing of any applicable credit and could result in penalty charges ranging anywhere from administration fees to outright purchase of a replacement unit.
We count on your support regarding this requirement which allows us to return these parts to service in a timely manner and increase the availability of this critical part.