Oil Filter Delta Pressure (OFDP) Sensor
Effectivity: Global 7500 aircraft
ATA 79
This article is to inform operators that earlier this year (September 2021) General Electric (GE) released Service Bulletin (SB 79-00-0004-00A-930A-D - New Oil Filter Delta Pressure sensor).
This was based on in-service events which indicated the sensor was encountering higher than expected pressures during operation, leading to premature replacement of the OFDP sensor.
The upgraded OFDP transducer (P/N 2492M70P03) now includes attenuation features and higher-pressure capabilities to reduce the likelihood of similar failures.
Based on observed faults, there are two types of failures that are associated to this:
• Single channel failure which can be dispatched using the TLD (Long term for 250 Flight Hours (FH))
• Dual Channel failure which can be dispatched under MMEL requirements (Three consecutive days)
The current Service Bulletin classified as a Category 6 can be carried out when replacing the defective one.
The following information was also highlighted in the GE Fleet highlites (21-2Q-7931-07) which Bombardier strongly encourages operators to read for any updates on the Passport 20 engines.