Proper operation of Dado Mounted Table

Effectivity: Global 7500 aircraft 

ATA Code: 25 

By: Yannick Maheu – Technical Services  

Bombardier would like to remind operators and maintenance personnel about the proper operation to deploy and to stow the cabin Dado Mounted Table (DMT) on the Global 7500 aircraft to avoid having broken components on the mechanism. 

If the table is not operated properly during the deploy and/or the stow motion, the cable will get jammed and break the table mechanism. The most often observed consequence is cables chafing and breaking. 

Deploy Operation 

Stow Operation

*Click on the presentation video ‘’Dado Mounted Table Operation’’ for full operations demonstration.

Should you have any questions about the Dado Mounted Table, please contact your Bombardier Field Service Representative (FSR) or the Customer Response Centre (CRC) team 24/7.


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