Steam oven “Drain After Flight” display message
Effectivity: Global 6500 and Global 7500 aircraft
ATA 25: Equipment/Furnishing
By: Yannick Aspeck - Technical Services
The following article is meant to inform operators that there is a new message on the steam oven display: “Drain After Flight.” This message appears after the Bombardier logo boot screen on the steam oven, part number 925-0002 (G02530003-00X-016X). Please note that this message is not associated with a fault condition.
We have been informed by Safran that this new feature was added with Service Bulletin SB-OV-129.
This message is a preventive reminder to operators and there is no impact on any features or operations of the steam oven.
We recommend following the drainage procedure referenced in the CMM 25-31-02 rev. 03 section 3.3.6 and 3.3.7.
Should you have further questions regarding the steam oven, please contact your local Bombardier Field Service Representative (FSR) or the Customer Response Centre (CRC).